Retro Style Colorful Banderitas
Retro Style Colorful Banderitas
Organic Doodle Confetti
Organic Doodle Confetti

Asian American Native Hawaiian ​Pacific Islander owned business

Night ​Market

FRee Admission - Open to the community

Friday, February 9, 2024 | 5-8 pm

Culver CIty High School Cafeteria

4401 Elenda St. Culver CIty 90230


500p Event open

545P Welcome &

dragon parade

630p Pamana Kali:

filipino martial arts

700p Them Kids: Hip Hop

Los angeles Mugen Taiko


Dapoer Bunda:

indonesian food

El Marino Room 8:

Lemonade & Cookies

Filipino Food & Fruit

Girl Scout Troop 35056

Jungle Boba

ono ono treats:

butter mochi + cute Food

Princess Mananahi:

Siopao & More

Spam musubi & Sweet Treats

Clean Lined Pizza Stall and Shop front
Clean Lined Art Merchandise Stall and Shop front
Illustrative Lunar New Year Dragon Dance

Th​ank you for a successful event!

2024 Night Market 🐉🐉🎉🧧​🏮

CCHS APA + 29 organizations

100+ Event Partners + Volunteers

400+ Guests

Art as community building and cultural education ​tool - see how this project touches 7 school sites in ​joy and collaboration #culvercreates

Our program focused on movement and beats - ​check out photos and videos of Pamana Kali, Them ​Kids, and Los Angeles Mugen Taiko

Ab​out Our Dragons

Watch Videos

Night Market was an opportunity to uplift Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific ​Islander (AANHPI) owned businesses, showcase career pathways, provide space for ​community building, and demonstrate the contributions of AANHPI community ​members in celebration of intersectional identity and culture. Although the event ​coincides with Lunar New Year, we must be also aware that not all AANHPI identifying ​folks celebrate Lunar New Year and this event was inclusive of all AANHPI community ​members interested in partnering and open to the entire community to enjoy. We’re ​very grateful to everyone who participated, especially to those who helped to make it a ​success behind the scenes.

The mission/vision of CCHS APA is as follows:

Recognizing and honoring the rich ethnic, cultural, and social diversity of Culver City High ​School’s Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community, the ​mission of AANHPI Parent Affinity Organization (APA) is to:

  • Create space for safe, open, and productive dialogue to recognize the unique ​challenges the AANHPI community faces, provide a forum for the diverse intellectual, ​social, cultural, and political perspectives and experiences while celebrating each ​other’s personal journeys
  • Foster understanding and camaraderie so families feel supported, find strength in ​their own voices and become better advocates for themselves and those around ​them by providing opportunities for social networking and community building
  • Increase education and dialogue on issues affecting AANHPIs such as racism, ​discrimination, immigration, and mental health
  • Empower one another, champion broader AANHPI leadership in the community, ​work in collaboration with other CCUSD organizations to build a diverse, inclusive, ​engaging, intellectual and social learning environment for all at CCHS & CCUSD

#CulverPride #CulverCreates district-wide collaboration

Betty Dragon: The Magic ​of Participatory Art

In 2019, Irene Yu created Joan, a red and gold fabric body dragon for a ​few participants to use in their classroom celebration at Linwood E. Howe ​Elementary, whose mascot is the seadragon. Since then, Joan’s body ​evolved to accommodate an entire class of students - the main feature of ​their all school Lunar New Year Parade beginning in 2020. In 2024, Yu, ​now a parent at both Lin Howe and Culver City Middle School, wanted to ​include even more students. To achieve this goal, a collaborative ​participatory art project began. Students from each of the five ​elementary schools in Culver City Unified School District decorated ​upcycled discarded comic book board from The Comic Bug, an Asian ​American owned business and Culver City and Night Market partner. Yu ​then laser cut the boards into scale shapes to create Betty. Debuting at ​Night Market, she is an approximately 100ft long dragon. At Night ​Market, middle schoolers, high schoolers, and family members marched ​Betty into the new year to the awe of hundreds of guests. A labor of love, ​sharing of culture, celebration of Lunar New Year, and good luck, this ​collaborative project will then be paraded at each elementary school and ​Culver City Middle School. Thank you to Irene Yu, Connie Wong, Julie Lo, ​and so many other hands that have brought Betty to life and joy to our ​Lunar New Year celebrations.

Night Market Performances

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Them Kids

Them Kids: Sei & Kai are a hip-hop ​group from Culver City

Pictured with Mayor Yasmine-Imani ​McMorrin, Council Member Freddy ​Puza, and School Board Vice President ​Triston Ezidore

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